
  1. Recover an Apple Computer
  2. Download Apple Hardware Test (AHT)
  3. Mac OS X Recovery Mode
  4. Mac OS X Safe Mode
  5. macOS User Reset Password
  6. Make Home & End keys behave like Windows on macOS
  7. Make Numerical keypad Comma type a Dot
  8. Recover a Dell from its Recovery partition
  9. Load the Belgian keyboard in Linux shell
  10. Delete all .DS_Store files from current directory
  11. Manage partitions with GParted (GNOME Partition Editor)
  12. List disk devices on Linux & Mac
  13. Clone a disk to another one using Linux dd
  14. Mount dd image as a partition
  15. Recover deleted partitions using testdisk
  16. Convert Outlook OST to PST
  17. Chrome Bookmarks location Mac & Windows
  18. Windows Updates to avoid
  1. Recover an Apple Computer
  2. See this guide

  3. Download Apple Hardware Test (AHT)
  4. See this site

  5. Mac OS X Recovery Mode
  6. Starting Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), it is possible to boot into Recovery mode without a DVD.
    Simply press Command+R at startup of the Mac.

    Credits to: Christian Zibreg

  7. Mac OS X Safe Mode
  8. To load Mac OS X in Safe mode: without any extension loaded (*.kext located in /System/Library/Extensions) .
    Simply press Shift at startup of the Mac.

  9. macOS User Reset Password
  10. Apple includes a tool to replace a Mac's password. This is the best option if you have completely forgotten your password. Follow these steps:

    1. Turn off your Mac (choose Apple > Shut Down).
    2. Press the power button while holding down Command + R. The Mac will boot into Recovery mode. When you see the load bar appear you can let go of the keys. It may take a few minutes to load.
    3. Select Disk Utility and press Continue.
    4. Choose Utilities > Terminal.
    5. Enter resetpassword (all one word, lower-case letters) and press Return.
    6. Select the volume containing the account (normally this will be your main hard drive).
    7. Choose the account to change with Select the User Account.
    8. Enter a new password and re-enter it into the password fields.
    9. Enter a new password hint related to the password.
    10. Click Save.
    11. A warning will appear that the password has changed, but not the Keychain Password. Click OK.
    12. Click Apple > Shut Down.
    13. Now start up the Mac. You can log in using the new password.
    Credits to: Lucy Hattersley

  11. Make Home & End keys behave like Windows on macOS
  12. Create a file called DefaultKeyBinding.dict in your ~/Library/KeyBindings folder (might need to create that folder too) with the following contents:

    /* Remap Home / End keys */
    /* Home Button*/
    "\UF729" = "moveToBeginningOfLine:"; 
    /* End Button */
    "\UF72B" = "moveToEndOfLine:"; 
    /* Shift + Home Button */
    "$\UF729" = "moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection:"; 
    /* Shift + End Button */
    "$\UF72B" = "moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection:"; 
    /* Ctrl + Home Button */
    "^\UF729" = "moveToBeginningOfDocument:"; 
    /* Ctrl + End Button */
    "^\UF72B" = "moveToEndOfDocument:"; 
     /* Shift + Ctrl + Home Button */
    "$^\UF729" = "moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection:";
    /* Shift + Ctrl + End Button*/
    "$^\UF72B" = "moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection:"; 

    This remapping does the following in most Mac apps including Chrome (some apps do their own key handling): Home and End will go to start and end of line ShiftHome and ShiftEnd will select to start and end of line CtrlHome and CtrlEnd will go to start and end of document ShiftCtrlHome and ShiftCtrlEnd will select to start and end of document Note that you will need to reboot after creating this file for it to take effect. If you have a PC keyboard with LED back-lighting and would like the scroll-lock, num-lock or caps-lock LEDs on when using your Mac check out my free SetLEDs for Mac
    Credits to: Elhay Efrat

  13. Make Numerical keypad Comma type a Dot
  14. Create a file called DefaultKeyBinding.dict in your ~/Library/KeyBindings folder (might need to create that folder too) with the following contents:

       "#," = ("insertText:", ".");

    Credits to: Benoit Duffez

  15. Recover a Dell from its Recovery partition
    1. Backup data from the OS partition
    2. Boot Hirens Boot CD on a USB stick
    3. Enter Mini XP mode
    4. Formatting the OS partition (Quick format is faster)
    5. Opening the GImagex program from Hirens
    6. At GImagex use the Apply tab to expand the Factory.wim from the RECOVERY partition (check the date on the file to know if its the original(if you're doing this I would recommend checking you can see the Factory.wim file before formatting the OS, my path was D:\dell\images\Factory.wim)
    7. Wait about 15 minutes and enjoy a clean install with drivers already installed
    Credits to: celamb89

  16. Load the Belgian keyboard in Linux shell
  17. To use the keytable for a Belgian keyboard you can use loadkeys be2-latin1 or loadkeys be-latin1. The only difference between the two is that be2-latin1 adds support for twosuperior and threesuperior (keycode 41) and grave (keycode 43).

    sudo loadkeys be2-latin1
    Credits to: The Linux Documentation Project

  18. Delete all .DS_Store files from current directory
  19. To delete all .DS_Store files from current directory even in directory names with spaces

    sudo find . -type f -iname ".DS_Store" -exec rm -v '{}' +
    Credits to: sciurus
    sudo find . -type f -iname ".DS_Store" -print -delete
    Credits to: Jon Bellah

  20. Manage partitions with GParted (GNOME Partition Editor)
    1. Boot GParted Live on a USB stick installed using TuxBoot
    2. Enter GParted Live
    3. Choose your keyboard layout
    4. Choose your language (default is [33] US English)
    5. Choose your Video mode (default is [0] GNOME)
    6. GNOME starts and GParted starts
    7. Start a root terminal by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Terminals->lxterminal with root privileges
    8. Disable screensaver by typing the command
      xset -dpms
    9. Have fun using GParted

  21. List disk devices on Linux & Mac
  22. On Linux

    sudo parted -l


    sudo lsblk

    On Mac

    diskutil list

  23. Clone a disk to another one using Linux dd
  24. If you'd like to clone /dev/sdb to /dev/sdc use the following command

    sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc bs=32M status=progress

  25. Mount dd image as partition
  26. To mount the filesystem inside the image, you need to use kpartx utility to generate virtual devices from the partition table in your image.

    kpartx -v -a /path/to/image
    Credits to: Tero Kilkanen

  27. Recover deleted partitions using testdisk
    1. Boot GParted Live on a USB stick
    2. Enter GParted Live
    3. Enter a terminal and execute the following commands
    4. sudo -s
    5. Select No Log
    6. Select the disk drive you want to recover, e.g. /dev/sdc
    7. Select your partition table type. Usually it's Intel.
    8. Select Analyse and Quick Search
    9. If you get asked whether your partition was created under Vista, answer yes/no
    10. Your drive will be analysed and you will see a list of all found partitions. If you know what you are doing, you can edit the list, otherwise just press Enter.
    11. On the next screen you have the option to either perform a second Deeper Search, or Write the current partition table to disk. If the quick search was successful, choose Write.
    Credits to: P. Asimakopoulos

  28. Convert Outlook OST to PST
  29. Use Stellar OST to PST Converter

  30. Chrome Bookmarks file location Mac & Windows
  31. Windows Updates to avoid
  32. Credits to: aurgathor